A promising handheld self-heating chocolate package

Exothermix 's self-heating handheld package provides a portable solution for melting chocolate.

Exothermix , a Texas-based technology company, demonstrated a self-heating package that melts chocolate in two to three minutes.

This product is named after one of the company's engineers, Darko Chocolate . Exothermix demonstrated the handheld device at the PACEAmericas packaging and supply chain event in Chicago this month . The company said that the package can be used in top-down ingredients such as ice cream or fruit.

In order to activate the device, the user needs to remove the label on the front of the package, wait for the prescribed time, and then squeeze the melted chocolate.

Although self-heating chocolate products are now in the prototype stage, the other two types of non-food consumer products with large market capacity have been contracted for production this year. Exothermix Lab hopes that hand-held heating technology will soon become popular in the candy industry.

“ Everyone likes chocolate melted on food ”

" Everyone likes chocolate melted in food, " CEO Adam Laubach told reporters.

The company had previously been known as RBC Technologies (Rechargeable Battery Corporation), battery technology started in the early 1990s. Using technology approved by Ford Motor Company, RBC has manufactured rechargeable alkaline batteries for electric vehicles.

" We all know the ending of the story. Most of the technology has turned to China, " Laubach said.

The company entered the food technology field in 2006 by responding to the U.S. military’s proposal , a more secure method of food heating for the military . At that time, the potential volatile chemical components generated by self-heating could not be safely used in the enclosed environment such as tanks or aircraft.

Air activated quantitative heater

"The army spends 40 million yuan each year in this area , so it is very encouraging to try to find a better way to achieve this goal. Therefore we have developed safer air-activated quantitative heaters, " Laubach said.

Laubach joined the company in 2010 , bringing with him experience in the production and development of zinc-air batteries, using oxygen in the air as the negative electrode of the battery, or the positive electrode receiving energy to generate charge.

“ We discovered that when you discharge a zinc-air battery, the battery generates a lot of heat during use, ” says Laubach .

" Our idea is, what if you design a battery that emits heat rather than discharges? If you can make a direct chemical reaction to produce heat, then you are talking about converting energy directly into heat, and this is very Effective. "

Focus on packaging products

Exothermix successfully applied this technology to orthopaedics and sports protection products, and with the development of insole and splint products, he began to focus on packaged goods.

“ You look at startups. They usually start with small and feasible things. It's more professional (more profitable) and then you go to a bigger market, ” says Laubach . " We did just that. "

At its headquarters in College Station , Texas , the company is producing this self-heating package on a special packaging machine with an annual output of 50 million.

Cooperate with the local chocolate tycoon

Hot chocolate provides a convenient and quick way for consumers to melt chocolate. Laubach added that the company has teamed up with a local chocolate manufacturer to develop a special recipe specifically for fruit tops.

" I can easily see that this technology will enable a company that is generally engaged in sweets to enter the field of fresh produce, " Laubach said. " This is a natural product that can be used to match, improve or even improve different foods. "

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