How to properly deal with hateful blackheads

Although blackheads are not harmful to health, they are always smeared for flawless skin. Fighting blackheads is definitely not an overnight effort. You must have enough patience and cooperate with scientific maintenance techniques.
How to deal with hateful blackheads

What is blackhead

Blackhead, the scientific name is called horny plug or angle plug, is the oxidized sebum attached to the end of the pores. When the sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands in the skin gathers at the end of the pores and is oxidized by the air, it forms a tan horny plug, which appears in appearance. Black, so we are habitually called blackheads.

Blackheads do not affect the health of the skin under normal conditions, and only make the visual effect of the stratum corneum worse. However, if sebaceous gland dysfunction or anaerobic attack occurs, blackheads are very likely to become a hidden danger of inflammatory acne.

How to deal with hateful blackheads

祛 blackhead error demonstration

1, squeeze by hand

Removing the blackhead by hand can damage the skin around the pores. Although it can temporarily get rid of the blackheads, it may cause more serious inflammation problems.

2, acne needle

Picking blackheads with acne needles should be carried out in a professional medical institution or beauty salon, otherwise it will easily damage the hair follicle glands and cause puncture lesions.

3, tear-off mask

The tear-off mask will excessively involve the pores and surrounding skin during use, and permanent damage to the pores may occur during long-term use.

How to deal with hateful blackheads

Correct anti-black method

It is recommended to use a lotion or keratin conditioner containing mild keratin remover such as salicylic acid and betaine daily, and wipe the blackhead with a cotton pad. In addition, use a cleansing mask containing kaolin and deep sea mud every week to balance. Sebum secretion inhibits the production of blackheads from the roots. >>>Three steps to save the dry muscles of winter

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